The sectionData model returns a section object with the following properties:
- section
- crn
- section
- term
- creditHours
- sectionTitle
- maxEnrollment
- censusEnrollment
- currentEnrollment
- campusCode
- partOfTerm
- printIndicator
- exemptTuitionIndicator
- preRequisites
- coRequisites
- concurrentPreRequisites
- sectionNotes
- sectionAttributes
- sectionAttributeAbbrevs
- meetings[]
- days
- beginTime
- endTime
- building
- room
- capacity
- instructors[]
- person (personData)
- responsibility
- course (courseData)
Input Options
- token: valid authorization token
- term: valid term ID
- crn: valid crn for a section
Helper Functions
None at this time