Course Catalog for IST as of: Mar 14, 2014

101Fundamentals of Communication4Active
 Introduction to the nature and importance of written and oral communication in scientific and technical arenas. Emphasis upon improving: information collection, basic technical writing, oral presentation and group communication skills.  
111Living Systems4Active
112Chemistry in the Environment(PR: IST111 ) 4Deleted
 Introduction to the basic concepts of chemical science and atmospheric, organic and nuclear chemistry. Energy relationships and chemistry of modern materials will also be presented. Related laboratory experiments.  
120Connections I (CT)3Active
 Critical thinking course that makes connections between science, technology, and society. Students learn to do research, summarize popular and scientific articles and design an experimental or observational study.  
130Analytical Methods: Statistics4Active
131Analy Meth II Differ Calculus(PR: ) 4Active
 Continuation: discrete mathematics, calculus and statistics for ISAT majors. Elementary algebraic and transcendental functions, derivatives, integrals and series. Modeling, guess, and refinement and technological tools. Applications to the physical sciences. (PR: IST 130)  
150Spreadsheet & Database Prin3Active
 Comprehensive coverage of spreadsheets and databases. Includes techniques to collect, manage, and analyze data; solve problems; and effectively communicate results for scientific research. Includes macro development and introduction to scripting. 
160Intro to Programming3Active
 Introduces students to a visual programming language. The course covers programming, graphic programming interface packages, and problem solving methods.  
163Programming Practicum3Active
 Concepts of software development and maintenance using C++, including syntax of the language, loops, functions, pointers, decision structures, and file processing. Proper program design using object- oriented programming techniques are emphasized.  
163EProgramming Practicum3Deleted
 Concepts of software development and maintenance using C++, including syntax of language, loops, functions, pointers, decision structures, and file processing. Proper program design using object- oriented programming techniques are emphasized.  
201Advanced Communications4Active
 Advanced work in written and oral communications. Emphasis upon: critical use of the argument, advanced technical writing, multi-media presentations, group decisions, advanced research methods and adapting messages to various audiences.  
210Living on Earth(PR: MTH121 or MTH121H or MTH122 or MTH123 or MTH125 or MTH127 or MTH130 or MTH130H or MTH131 or MTH132 or MTH140 or MTH203 or MTH220 or MTH225 or MTH229 or MTH229H ) 4Active
 A course introducing the basic concepts of environmental science and using the scientific method to study current environmental issues. 
211Issues in Modern Production3Inactive-Not Deleted
 This course introduces the student to manufacturing terminology, automation and impact of related technologies. Discrete, service and continuous process manufacturing will be addressed. Chemistry and statistics concepts pertinent to manufacturing. (PR: IST 112 and IST 130)  
212Energy(PR: ) 3Active
 The course introduces the students to the properties and the interfaces of biological and physical systems with emphasis on energy concepts, production and distribution in both systems.  
220Connections II (CT)(PR: ) 3Active
 Critical thinking course that further examines the impact of science and technology on society. Themes have included disasters and globalization. Students present a lesson, analyze opposing arguments and make predictions.  
224Intro to Forensic Science4Active
 The relationship between scientific process and crime solutions is explored. DNA technology, probability theory, fingerprints, blood spatter, questioned documents, crime scene investigation will be examined using laboratories and case studies.  
225Drugs and Disease(PR: MTH121 ) 4Active
 Introduction to the human effort to understand, control and eradicate disease via the use of natural and synthetic drugs. 
230Analy Meth III-Integral Calc(PR: IST131 ) 4Active
 Concepts of linear algebra, multi-variable calculus and differential equations with applications to: physical science, informational technology, business, economics, classical and modern optics and audio technology.  
231Analytical Methods IV(PR: IST230 or MTH229 ) 4Active
 Introduces students with a background in algebraic and calculus functions into STELLA systems modeling. This tool helps resolve complex problems through a dynamic systems approach to problem solving. 
236Data Structures(PR: IST163 ) 3Active
 Covers fundamental topics of information technology including the concepts of object-orientation, linear data structures, data representation, data manipulation algorithms and their applications, and project participations.  
238Algorithms(PR: IST236 ) 3Active
 Covers algorithm-design methods, algorithm performance analysis, and optimization techniques. Covers algorithm applications used in solving frequently occurring problems, such as pattern matching, data compression, searching, and sorting.  
240Biotechnology(PR: MTH121 or MTH121B or MTH121H or MTH122 or MTH123 or MTH125 or MTH127 or MTH130 or MTH130H or MTH131 or MTH132 or MTH140 or MTH190 or MTH203 or MTH220 or MTH225 or MTH229 or MTH229H ) 4Active
 Biotechnology explores scientific, political, economic and ethical aspects of recombinant DNA technology and genetically altered organisms. Class projects include DNA manipulation and analysis, forensice studies, and internet exploration. (PR: MTH 121, MTH 123 or higher, except MTH 400 and MTH 401). 
241Introduction to DNA Cloning(PR: ) 4Active
 Basic Molecular Genetics. Topics include DNA, RNA, and protein structure and function, microbiology, genetics, cell biology, gene regulation, molecular biology applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry. Hands-on DNA cloning lab.  
243Biotechnology Regulation(PR: ) 2Active
 Course provides an overview of cGMP and FDA regulations for pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industry including Quality Control and Quality Assurance, upstream and downstream processing. 
260Instrumentation I(PR: ) 3Active
 The course introduces students to modern data gathering methods, laboratory instrumentation, and programming. Focuses range from transportation development, forensics, to environmental issues. 
261Intro to Linux3Active
 An introductory course for the Linux operating system, focusing on its application in information assurance and digital forensics. 
263Web Programming3Active
 Students will learn techniques for creating advanced documents and programs for the Web using HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, and PHP scripting. Students will also learn how to install and maintain a Web server.  
263EWeb and Java Programming3Deleted
 Students will learn techniques for creating advanced documents and programs for the web using HTML, XML, Java, and ASP scripting. Students will learn to install and maintain a web server.  
264Technology Foundations3Active
 This course introduces the student to the common hardware and technology that pervades business and society as a whole. Topics include pc's, networks, software, the internet, cellular phones, etc.  
280Special Topics1 to 4Active
281Special Topics1 to 4Active
282Special Topics1 to 4Active
283Special Topics1 to 4Active
285Independent Study1 to 3Active
 Independent study for selected sophomores or advanced freshmen under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.  
286Independent Study1 to 4Active
 Independent study for selected sophomores or advanced freshmen under supervision of faculty; may be repeated only once.  
301Public Service Experience1Active
 At least 30 contact hours in a public service/volunteer experience with a group, organization or agency that offers a service to the general public. Advisor permission required.  
303C# NET Programming(PR: IST236 ) 3Active
 Covers the essentials for developing robust and secure applications using C#, Windows forms, and the .NET framework. Also covers ADO.NET, writing secure .NET applications and web services.  
320Nature Enviro Prob(PR: ) 3Active
 The effects of human activity on ecological, political, economic, and cultural systems are examined. Particular attention is given to present human population growth, industrial activities, and energy availability.  
321Resol Environ Problems(PR: ) 3Active
 Students examine case studies of current environmental pro- blems and propose methods of remediation. Cultural, politi- cal, economic, as well as ecological and physiographic factors are considered.  
322Assess I: Terrestrial Systems(PR: IST111 or BSC104 or BSC120 ) 4Active
 Use of scientific procedure and current technology to characterize and quantify sensitive elements of terrestrial ecosystems and to assess human impact on these systems.  
323Assessment II: Aquatic Ecology(PR: IST111 or BSC104 or BSC120 ) 4Active
 Use of scientific procedures and current technology to characterize and quantify sensitive elements of aquatic ecosystems and to assess human impact on these systems.  
330Knowledge Engin Fund(PR: IST263 ) 3Active
 Introduction to fundamental topics of knowledge engineering and the development of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS). Covers life cycle activities, knowledge acquistion, representation, and the implementation of KBS and building tools.  
332Software Engineering I(PR: IST236 ) 3Active
 Introduction to the industrial process of software systems development. The course covers project management and planning risk management issues; software quality and configuration issues; and processes, methods, and development tools.  
333Software Engineering II(PR: IST332 ) 3Active
 A continuation of IST 332. It covers the system development lifecycle: requirement analysis and specifications; design methods; system implementation and integration; testing; and reuse issues. Project participation.  
334Programming Languages(PR: IST236 ) 3Active
 Evaluation of the specification, syntax, semantics, compilation, and software development issues surrounding the development of programming languages. Students are introduced to imperative and functional languages; concurrency, logic, object-oriented approaches.  
335Multimedia Systems(PR: ) 3Active
 Introduction to multimedia literacy, concepts, elements, issues, and application development tools. Hands-on experience with different forms of multimedia, including digital video, audio, images, and multimedia authoring packages.  
336Comp Arch/Digital Logic(PR: ) 4Active
 Students will study microprocessor design, computer bus structures, memory organization, I/O device and data path design and optimizations, CPU structures and design, and digital circuits and their design.  
337Operating Systems(PR: IST163 ) 3Active
 Covers current operating systems that support networking and distributed processes. Topics include process managment, memory management, security issues, network support and management, and hardware management.  
338Cisco 5: Adv Routing4Inactive-Not Deleted
 This is the first of four courses to prepare students for the CCNP. Course covers advanced IP addressing and traffic management, routing protocols, OSPF, EIGRP, route optimization, and BGP integration.  
339Cisco 6: Remote Nets(PR: IST338 ) 4Inactive-Not Deleted
 This is the second of four courses to prepare students for the CCNP. Course covers WAN and LAN design, IOS and network fundamentals, security, managment, and bridging/ switching.  
340DNA Technology(PR: IST241 or CHM212 or BSC120 ) 4Active
 This class deals with DNA and genes, the code of life, which we receive from our parents. It tells how humans recently learned about DNA and started to manipulate it.  
341Human Genetics(PR: IST241 ) 4Active
 Principles, problems, and methods in human genetics. Mendelian, biochemical, medical, quantitative, and molecular genetics, cytogenetics, bioethics applied to humans. Lab includes DNA sequencing SNP genotyping. PR: IST 241 or equivalent.  
342Biosciences Research Meth(PR: IST241 or CHM212 or BSC120 ) 2Active
 Students will develop proficiency in the laboratory methods used in Biosciences. These skills prepare students for successful internships and advanced courses in biotechnology and environmental sciences. Hands-on and WebCT instruction.  
343Genomic Cloning & Cytogenetics(PR: IST241 or CHM212 or BSC120 ) 4Active
 Advanced molecular genetics class emphasizing lab techniques. DNA cloning and plasmid purification, Genomic DNA purification, Southern and Northern hybridization, DNA sequencing, animal cell culture and human cytogenetics.  
350Manufacturing Systems(PR: IST160 ) 3Active
 Various manufacturing systems used within organizations are introduced. Methods of manufacturing are presented along with various technologies employed. Design for manufactur- ing, material management, quality considerations, etc. are treated.  
360Game Development I:2D(PR: IST236 ) 3Active
 Covers computer software industry, history and the role of a creative game development team. Students will participate in the game development process, including art, animation, programming, music, sound and writing.  
362Network Protocols(PR: IST163 ) 3Active
 This course provides students with knowledge of network terminology, structures, topologies, protocols, and inter- faces involving Local Area and Wide Area networks.  
363Network Administration(PR: IST362 ) 3Active
 Students will explore topics in network administration in a theoretical and practical way. Students will study hardware selection, platforms, languages, control, shared resources, security, anti-virus procedures, and methodologies.  
365Database Management3Active
 To understand the logical and physical design of data stored and retrieved from a relational database. Exposure to distributed databases, database administration and structured query language will also be done. 
366DB Design/Reporting(PR: IST365 ) 3Active
 Introduction to database design, data modeling techniques, advanced queries, and database manipulation concepts. This course helps develop conceptual and organizational skills for plenning effective formal database reports.  
420Remote Sensing/GIS Appl(PR: ( MTH122 and MTH127 )or IST131 ) 4Active
 A study of the physical systems for collecting remotely sensed data. Statistical/spatial analysis and modeling using image processing/geographic information/spatial computer software systems with earth resources applications.  
421Dgtl Image Proc/GIS Model(PR: ( MTH122 and MTH127 )or IST131 ) 4Active
 A study of image processing/geographic information/spatial analysis systems, concurrent and parallel image processing 3-D modeling scenarios utilizing geophysical data for computer simulation modeling.  
423GIS and Data Systems(PR: ) 3Active
 Course focuses on the relationships among the scientific method, data structures, and geographic images. Students relate hypothesis formation and databases through the development of ARCMap documents. 
424Environ Risk Assessment(PR: IST320 ) 3Inactive-Not Deleted
 Environmental risk assessments determine if contaminant releases pose unacceptable risk to human health and environ- ment. This course will present a broad-based introduction to human health risk assessment for environmental contamination.  
425Impact Assessment Documen(PR: IST320 ) 3Active
 Use of current concepts in conservation biology to examine the impacts of habitat perturbations on people and species of concern.  
428CAD and Terra Modeling(PR: IST423 ) 3Active
 Introduction to CAD 2D and 3D principles set in a land modeling format. Data sets will be used to model 3D contours of land and river beds. 
430Electronic Commerce(PR: IST365 ) 3Active
 This course examines electronic commerce. Group decision making and collaborative applications through the Internet. Develop applications that retrieve and store information in distributed databases.  
431Systems Engineering(PR: IST260 and IST231 ) 4Deleted
432Database Management(PR: IST231 ) 3Inactive-Not Deleted
 To understand the logical and physical design of stored and retrieved from a relational database. Exposure to dis- tributed databases, database administration and structured query language will also be done.  
433Network Communications3Active
 To understand the fundamentals of data communication as it relates to protocols, security, and new technologies. Implement local area network concepts such as designing, maintaining and managing a computer network.  
434Molecular Diagnostics(PR: ) 3Active
 This course is designed to provide an overview of the general principles and methods used to diagnose bacterial, viral and human diseases by molecular techniques.  
435Biomonitoring(PR: BSC120 or IST323 ) 4Active
 Biomonitoring is the use of organisms to assess habitat and water quality of a stream. Current aquatic biomonitoring focuses on the utilization of benthic invertebrates and fishes communities. 
436Advanced Web Programming(PR: IST263 ) 3Active
 Includes topics in XHTML, JavaScript Data Object Model, dynamic application of CSS rules to page elements, browsers's support for XML, object-oriented PHP programming, server side graphics generation, web services.  
438Computer Graphics for Gaming(PR: IST236 01 ) 3Active
 Fundamental concepts dealing with the display of graphic information on semi-interactive storage tube displays. The course includes techniques for hidden line display, hidden line removal, and two- and three-dimensional transformation.  
439Game Development II:3D(PR: IST360 ) 3Active
 Covers state of the art techniques for computer game design and development with an emphasis on the 3D graphics and interaction through practical, example driven approaches of game development.  
440Genetic Systems(PR: IST241 or CHM212 or BSC120 ) 4Active
 Discusses basic structures and mechanisms of genetic information storage and transmission in all existing systems from viruses to humans. Provides necessary theoretical background for the understanding of DNA technology.  
441Metabolic Systems(PR: BSC120 ) 4Active
 Discusses basic molecules, processes, and mechanisms responsible for the activity of all living systems, and the methods of their analysis. Provides necessary theoretical background for the understanding of industrial biotechno- logy.  
 Discuss ethical issues in scientific research: fraud, informed consent, genetic testing, gene therapy, cloning, new drugs, vaccines and foods produced via engineered organisms. Includes real case studies and media analysis.  
443Protein Biotechnology(PR: BSC120 ) 3Active
 Discussion covers basics of protein structure and function, post-translational modification and transport simple immunology. Laboratories include protein quan- titation, enzyme kinetics, protein purification and dialysis protein gel electrophoresis and staining.  
444Bioinformatics(PR: IST241 or CHM212 or BSC120 ) 3Active
 Bioinformatics computer software is used to draw inferences from DNA and protein databases. Students will find pattern and meaning in genomic data through computer-aided analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein.  
445DNA Forensics(PR: IST224 or IST340 or IST341 ) 3Active
 Hands-on DNA typing of simulated crime scene evidence. Process biological samples, purify DNA, perform presumptive and confirmatory tests for blood and semen, learn microscopy, PCR genetic analysis and practice testimony.  
446Intro Digital Evidence(PR: IST264 ) 3Active
 Introduction to the principles of forensics and their application to the practice of computer forensics. The foundations of criminal and civil law and the judicial system will be reviewed. 
447App Dig Evidence and eDisc(PR: IST449 ) 4Active
 Course provides basic information to the student in the proper procedures for seizing digital evidence used in the commission of crime. Includes legal issues peculiar to seizing digital evidence. 
448Forensic Image/Video Analysis(PR: ) 3Active
 This course will introduce the students to the principals of digital imaging analysis and their applications to the practice of forensic image analysis. In addition, students will learn how to prepare court exhibits. 
449Data Recovery and Analysis(PR: IST264 ) 3Active
 This course teaches students how information is recovered from electronic devices and the forensic techniques used to perform forensic examinations. In addition, legal issues regarding electronic data will be discussed. 
450Manufacturing Processes(PR: IST211 ) 3Inactive-Not Deleted
 A study of the basic processes used in manufacturing parts such as machining, grinding, casting and sheet metal fabrication. Methods for producing plastics and composites will also be presented.  
451Materials Science in Mfg(PR: IST350 ) 3Inactive-Not Deleted
 A study of materials used in the fabrication of products and their physical properties. Stress, strain, thermal and electrical properties, etc. will be studied for metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites.  
452Process Capab Control Monitor(PR: IST350 ) 3Inactive-Not Deleted
 A study of the methodologies used to determine the capabilities of manufacturing operations and processes and the variety of controls that are used to control and monitor them.  
453Design for Manufacturability3Inactive-Not Deleted
454Network Defense(PR: IST261 and IST363 ) 4Active
 An in-depth examination of the principles, strategies, and tools used to defend, detect, and respond to a variety of common network attacks. 
455Drugs Biologics Med Devices(PR: IST340 or BSC322 ) 3Active
 Students will learn key components of the drug discovery process and the steps leading to full regulatory approval and commercialization of drugs, biologics and medical devices. Case studies will be discussed.  
456Technology and Innovation(PR: ) 3Active
 This class introduces technology venture formation and intellectual property. Course covers employment, confidentiality and consulting agreements. Development of Green Businesses is emphasized through business case studies and writing grant proposals.  
457Network Penetration and Attack(PR: IST261 and IST363 ) 4Active
 Students will explore tools and techniques used to penetrate, exploit and ex filtrate data from computers and networks. 
460Game Development III:AI(PR: IST439 ) 3Active
 Advanced concepts of game development with a focus on artificial intelligence. AI techniques covered including A* path finding algorithm, rule-based reasoning, reinforcement learning, neural networks, genetic algorithm, knowledge representation.  
461Cyber Warfare(PR: IST362 ) 3Active
 Broad examination of this new form of conflict including the role of nation states, the challenge of attribution, potential impact on the physical world, and current government policy and doctrine. 
462Network Forensics(PR: IST261 and IST363 and IST449 ) 4Active
 Examination of techniques and tools used to investigate, search, collect, analyze, and report on network based breaches and events. 
463Digital Computer Evidence(PR: IST449 ) 4Active
 Concepts of computer forensics, including handling digital evidence, case preparation, forensic imagining, data recovery, password cracking, e-mail analysis, and reprt writing. Proper usage of different forensic tools is emphasized. 
464Network Security(PR: IST362 ) 3Active
 Addresses security issues for TCP/IP-based networks. Access Control and Communications are covered as well as Internet security in areas of cryptography, protocols, applications, encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, etc.  
465Network Design(PR: IST464 ) 3Active
 This course provides an in-depth study of data communications design principles, standards, protocols, algorithms, architectures, models, throughput and performance. Design principles related to layers and management of networks are covered.  
466Database Programming(PR: IST365 ) 3Active
 This course teaches students database programming available to relational database systems. Students will work with fourth generation languages to analyze, design and develop, and execute programs in a database environment.  
467Mobile Device Forensics(PR: IST264 and IST449 ) 4Active
 Identification, preservation, collection, analysis, and reporting techniques and tools used in the forensic examination of mobile devices such as cell phones and GPS units. 
468Cisco 7: Multi Switch(PR: IST339 ) 4Deleted
 This is the third of four courses to prepare students for CCNP. Course covers bridging/swithching, OSI reference and layered communication, Cisco IO switch fundamentals, switch fundamentals, switch components, and routing trunking.  
469Cisco 8: Network Trouble(PR: IST468 ) 4Deleted
 This is the fourth of four courses to prepare students for the CCNP. Course covers Cisco IOS for debugging, troubleshooting tools, backups, and studying efficient troubleshooting techniques.  
470Internship in IST1 to 4Active
 A supervised internship in an area of Integrated Science and Technology.  
480Special Topics1 to 4Active
481Special Topics1 to 4Active
482Special Topics1 to 4Active
483Special Topics1 to 4Active
485Independent Study1 to 4Active
486Independent Study1 to 4Active
487Independent Study1 to 4Active
488Independent Study1 to 4Active
490Senior Project I3Active
 Senior Capstone Experience.  
491Senior Project II(PR: IST490 ) 3Active
 Senior Capstone Experience  
495HHonors in IST3 to 4Active
496HHonors in IST3 to 4Active
580Speical Topics1 to 4Active
 Courses on special topics not listed among the current course offerings. 
581Special Topics1 to 4Active
 Courses on special topics not listed among the current course offerings. 
582Special Topics1 to 4Active
 Courses on special topics not listed among the current course offerings. 
583Special Topics1 to 4Active
 Courses on special topics not listed among the current course offerings. 
585Independent Study1 to 4Active
586Independent Study1 to 4Active
587Independent Study1 to 4Active
588Independent Study1 to 4Active

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